Allergic Rhinitis Specialist

Alexandria Sinus, Ear, and Allergy Center
James A. White, III, MD
Otolaryngologist located in Alexandria, LA
When you experience an allergic reaction that impacts the nose, it could be allergic rhinitis. Dr. White in Alexandria, Louisiana, can help you overcome the itching, sneezing, runny nose, and watery eyes that emerge when you have an allergic reaction affecting your nasal passages. At Alexandria Sinus, Ear, and Allergy Center, you can manage your allergic rhinitis symptoms to help you feel better again.
Allergic Rhinitis Q & A
What is allergic rhinitis?
Allergic rhinitis occurs when an allergic reaction affects the nose. It’s usually categorized as a group of symptoms including the following:
- Runny nose
- Itching
- Sneezing
- Watery eyes
- Nasal congestion
- Coughing
- Sore throat
- Headaches
- Fatigue
In many cases, mold, pollen, or dust in the environment causes allergic rhinitis. Hay fever, an allergic reaction to pollen, is a common type of allergic rhinitis. When your body encounters these allergens, your immune system reacts, which causes the inflammation and symptoms.
If you have relatives that experience allergic rhinitis, you’re more likely to have it yourself.
How is allergic rhinitis treated?
Dr. White completes a physical exam to diagnose allergic rhinitis. He asks about your symptoms and what triggers them, like certain seasons or times of the day.
He may also conduct allergy tests on the skin or via blood test. Allergy testing can help determine the cause(s) of your allergies and direct treatment plans and lifestyle adjustments.
Once Dr. White determines the cause of your allergic rhinitis, he can start you on a treatment course. If possible, it’s important to limit your exposure to allergens. While it may not be possible to avoid all pollen, for example, Dr. White can discuss preventive measures with you, so you stay as healthy as possible.
Medication can also help relieve your symptoms. Antihistamines are sometimes effective and allow you to breathe better, while corticosteroid nasal sprays can ease discomfort and swelling in the nose. In severe cases, you may need allergy shots to help you resist allergic rhinitis.
What benefits come from allergic rhinitis treatment?
In most allergic rhinitis cases, you can manage your symptoms through a combination of lifestyle changes, over-the-counter medications, and prescription medications. Dr. White creates a custom treatment plan based on the severity of your allergy, using his years of ENT disorder experience.
If you experience allergic rhinitis and the uncomfortable symptoms that come with it, call now at 318-231-2670 or 318-443-1886 to schedule an appointment with Dr. White. You don’t have to live with your allergies -- explore allergic rhinitis treatment options with the team at Alexandria Sinus, Ear, and Allergy Center.